Ryker 900 Top Speed

Ryker 900 Top Speed

Thread: RYKER 600cc vs 900cc TOP speed and acceleration

  1. 10-28-2018,08:46 AM #1

    Martin Slovakia is offline

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    Default RYKER 600cc vs 900cc TOP speed and acceleration

    Guys, second part of test i have done..
    top speed and acceleration of both engine models

  2. 10-28-2018,09:01 AM #2

    Chupaca is offline

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    Gene and Ilana De Laney
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  3. 10-28-2018,09:37 AM #3

    Highwayman2013 is offline

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    Looks like the 900 is the way to go. Thanks Martin.

    2016 F3 Limited
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  4. 10-28-2018,10:03 AM #4

    Rob Rodriguez is offline

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    Thanks Martin for taking the time to show this info.

    Disappointed in the results for the 900 Expected about 10mph more.

  5. 02-07-2019,04:24 PM #5

    Bitten is offline

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    Old member, looking at the possibility of purchasing a Ryker. Comparing the 600 and 900 top speeds from online videos. Have a look at this one. I did not study it in detail, but it appears that he topped out around 126mph.

    Sales guy told me today he thought the 600 would do 90. After watching this 900 do 126, that seems more believable.

    EDIT: I guess it's KPH. not MPH... My apologies. Still a good video though.

    Last edited by Bitten; 02-07-2019 at 04:33 PM. Reason: updating post

  6. 02-08-2019,04:33 PM #6

    gnorthern is offline

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    Makes me glad I did not wait for the Ryker. That seems really slow.

  7. 02-08-2019,07:36 PM #7

  8. 02-09-2019,09:45 AM #8

    Eviltwin is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by gnorthern View Post

    Makes me glad I did not wait for the Ryker. That seems really slow.

    My Silverwing scooter is faster than the 900 Ryker.

    2019 BMW C650GT, 2010 Spyder RT-S, 2009 BMW R1200RT,(sold) 2009 Honda Silverwing (Sold), 2009 Kawasaki 500 Vulcan (Sold)


  9. 02-09-2019,11:17 AM #9

    Highwayman2013 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eviltwin View Post

    My Silverwing scooter is faster than the 900 Ryker.

    I pretty much doubt it. You are basing this on a video from Europe. They may have different engine settings. The 900 I rode was very quick on acceleration. On his previous video he said he was scared to go faster.

    2016 F3 Limited
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  10. 02-09-2019,09:08 PM #10

    Eviltwin is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Highwayman2013 View Post

    I pretty much doubt it. You are basing this on a video from Europe. They may have different engine settings. The 900 I rode was very quick on acceleration. On his previous video he said he was scared to go faster.

    You can doubt all you want. In his video, 0-100 KM or 0 to 62 MPH was 8.6 seconds for the 900. The Silverwing will do 0-60 in 8. They can be modified to have faster acceleration if you change out the variator rollers but top speed will go down.

    Silverwing engine is rated at about 50hp, but the bike is lighter at about 540 lbs wet and has one less wheel to spin. It has a much narrower front end with good aerodynamics vs the Ryker that has much more cross section and no windscreen to smooth out the airflow. Add to that the Ryker has to spin a shaft in addition to the cvt drive belt. Silverwing top speed rated about 105mph, but for the Ryker, the only number I can find is what this video is quoting, about 97 mph.

    It's all about power to weight, thrust vs drag.


    2019 BMW C650GT, 2010 Spyder RT-S, 2009 BMW R1200RT,(sold) 2009 Honda Silverwing (Sold), 2009 Kawasaki 500 Vulcan (Sold)


  11. 02-16-2019,10:51 AM #11

    SteveP is offline

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    ☝️Me too , my GS is not as quick as some sport bikes I�ve owned but I sure wouldn�t want to give any performance while going to a single seater

  12. 02-16-2019,11:04 AM #12

    Highwayman2013 is offline

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    Like I said if you go to his PREVIOUS video he said he backed out of it because he was scared to go faster. It would be interesting to have a side by side drag race though.

    The comment is at 6:32.


    2016 F3 Limited
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  13. 02-24-2019,06:04 PM #13

    redrum is offline



    It was Le Salon de la Moto this weekend in Montreal. I had a quick chat with a BRP employee that works on the Ryker project in Valcourt and and asked a few questions about the 900.

    Here are his answers:
    Top speed is 165km/h, ~102mph
    0-60mph in less than 6 seconds. Not sure if I asked about 0-100km/h or 0-60mph which is equal to 96km/h. In the latter cases it would mean a faster 0-60.*
    There are no difference in power for European models compared to North American models or anywhere else in the world.

    He also said the HP is 82, not 77. They "thought" it was 77 but then realized it really is 82. "thought", whatever that means...maybe bad communication between engineering and marketing. Your guess is as good as mine.

    Look at this video here https://youtu.be/PjbI6cevPK8?t=17 From my calculations, looking at 0.25x speed, the 0-54 time is ~5.5sec. This is inline with a 0-60 of < 6 sec if you account for the fact that the owner takes off a bit slow and eases off the throttle before reaching 54.

    *Depending of how old you are, you might be using the imperial system or the metric system or even a mix of both :/

  14. 02-24-2019,08:22 PM #14

    Rob Rodriguez is offline

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  15. 02-26-2019,09:44 PM #15

    QuasiMotard is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eviltwin View Post

    You can doubt all you want. In his video, 0-100 KM or 0 to 62 MPH was 8.6 seconds for the 900. The Silverwing will do 0-60 in 8. They can be modified to have faster acceleration if you change out the variator rollers but top speed will go down.

    Silverwing engine is rated at about 50hp, but the bike is lighter at about 540 lbs wet and has one less wheel to spin. It has a much narrower front end with good aerodynamics vs the Ryker that has much more cross section and no windscreen to smooth out the airflow. Add to that the Ryker has to spin a shaft in addition to the cvt drive belt. Silverwing top speed rated about 105mph, but for the Ryker, the only number I can find is what this video is quoting, about 97 mph.

    It's all about power to weight, thrust vs drag.


    I'm bound to stir up SH*T with this, but I'll have to call it a flat win for the Ryker 900 vs the Silverwing. I own both bikes, and I can say definitively that my 900 Rally will spank my Silverwing at any speed. I even have a Dr. Pulley HiT clutch, a Dr. Pulley variator, a Fuel Commander, and a K&N filter on my Silverwing... it's still no contest against the Ryker's roll-on capabilities. My SW will outrun the Ryker on top-end at ~115 MPH, but the Ryker walks away from it at any speed below 100 MPH.

    Here is a quick roll-on video that I posted a few days ago:


  16. 02-26-2019,09:47 PM #16

    QuasiMotard is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Rodriguez View Post

    Wait till they drop the 900 ACE Turbo from the snowmobile into it That's rated at 150 hp

    Yep, I'm sure someone will work on that in the aftermarket community if BRP doesn't make it a factory option. The real problem there is traction... my Rally can spin up the rear tire even at 35-40 MPH (I'm only ~170 pounds with riding gear), so adding 30%+ more torque and ~2x the HP will be real handful. I'll sign up to be the test pilot!


  17. 02-26-2019,09:56 PM #17

    QuasiMotard is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by redrum View Post

    Look at this video here https://youtu.be/PjbI6cevPK8?t=17 From my calculations, looking at 0.25x speed, the 0-54 time is ~5.5sec. This is inline with a 0-60 of < 6 sec if you account for the fact that the owner takes off a bit slow and eases off the throttle before reaching 54.

    I haven't done proper 0-60 tests with my Rally yet, but I can tell you that its time will be traction-limited... getting it moving from a stop is hard to do without spinning up the rear tire. You can let the TC do its job, but that obviously retards the engine power and lights up the rear brake to regain traction. My Rally will break the rear tire loose at even 35-40 MPH when I whack the throttle open. To get a really good launch off the line, it would take drag strip circumstances... sticky tire, good traction box, and disabled TC (Rally-mode). Someone will certainly figure out a way to send one of these down the 1/4 or 1/8 mile track soon!


  18. 02-27-2019,02:13 PM #18

    Rogue Hawk is offline

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    I saw this video previously. These numbers seem slow to me. I watch other test rides and the testers say the 900 rips. Was he in Eco mode? How much does he weigh?

  19. 02-27-2019,10:06 PM #19

    jerzeeog is offline



  20. 03-04-2019,05:58 PM #20

    srx660 is offline



    Had my Ryker up to 97MPH on a empty stretch of I-75 in central florida. Too much wind was blowing me around badly so i stopped trying for more(felt like it was near done anyway). Until i get a windshield i think i'll keep it at 55 to 65 for now. Very comfortable there.

  21. 03-04-2019,06:48 PM #21

    308gunner is offline

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    I`m waiting to see if Monster Fuel Injection will offer a E.C.U. RE-MAP option for the RYKER...RLS offers an exhaust. Its really nice too.

  22. 03-04-2019,07:06 PM #22

    WilliamTRyker is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by 308gunner View Post

    I`m waiting to see if Monster Fuel Injection will offer a E.C.U. RE-MAP option for the RYKER

    I know that in cars if you want to get a "tune", the reprogramming comes thru the OBD II port. How does that work on the Ryker?

  23. 03-04-2019,10:21 PM #23

    308gunner is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamTRyker View Post

    I know that in cars if you want to get a "tune", the reprogramming comes thru the OBD II port. How does that work on the Ryker?

    If the ECU setup is similar to the Spyder...you remove the ECU and mail it in... unless..monster figures a different way to do it...mail you a programmer to connect to the OBD II port.

  24. 03-20-2019,07:00 PM #24

    QuasiMotard is offline

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    Well, I had to satisfy my curiosity about the Rally's top speed, so I did a quick top speed run Monday morning. Here is the result: 105 indicated, 102 GPS. I was headed into a slight head wind, so it might pull another 1-2 MPH in calm air, but I think it was mostly tapped out.


  25. 03-29-2019,10:36 AM #25

    McRuss is offline

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    OK, so I'm still a wannabe but I did ride a 900 Rally last Sat and am going to set down with them tomorrow to put 'pencil to paper' and see what it will cost. Anyway, I too think the 0-60 time is hurt by the tendency to spin the rear tire. My 09 FJR will do 0-60 in about 4 but that is because it is an SE and has the computer clutch. It just doesn't launch like my old FJR (04) which was rated at 3.2 and was wicked fast to 60 (or 150...)

    Lakehills, TX
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Ryker 900 Top Speed

Source: https://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/showthread.php?116294-RYKER-600cc-vs-900cc-TOP-speed-and-acceleration


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